Terms and Conditions

Bonjour Babies Terms and Conditions for Classes

Confidentiality & Privacy Policy

Bonjour Babies respects your privacy and strictly controls the use of personal information. We minimise our request for personal information and details that you provide on this form will be used solely for the provision of our services to you. We occasionally post photos and videos of actual students on our website, email newsletters and our Facebook page for marketing and communication purposes. Please advise us in writing via email if you do not consent to this online activity.

Copyright Policy

All learning resources provided by Bonjour Babies are not to be copied, distributed or sold without prior written consent.

Enrolments & Payment of Fees

Payment for a whole term is required when making your booking.

Pro-rata’d fees are available for late enrolments and may be available under extenuating circumstances for other circumstances – please contact [email protected] for further information.

Bonjour Babies reserves the right to cancel/ recommend deferring an enrolment at any time. A refund for any remaining classes that have already been paid for will be provided in these cases.

Classes do not take place on public holidays and school holidays. Please refer to our website ’s class pages for term dates.
If you are unable to attend your class, please advise us by phone: 0450322092. Thank you.

Cancellation & Refunds Policy

To enable our program to remain viable, there are guidelines in place for refunds.

Please note that Bonjour Babies does not accept responsibility for students’ non-attendance at classes due to changes in personal circumstances, illness, or commitments during the term.

While we will try our best to accommodate makeup classes, credit will not be issued for classes not attended.

If a class is cancelled due to teacher illness, emergency situation or a venue problem, we will encourage students to take a makeup class. If this is not suitable, a credit or refund for that session will be offered.

Sibling Attendance

Siblings under 9 months of age are welcome to attend classes under parental supervision; however, once they reach 9 months of age, fees will be applicable at the rate of $220 per term, or pro-rata’d at the discretion of Bonjour Babies. A sibling discount may apply – please contact [email protected] for further information.


Sometimes, Bonjour Babies’ teachers might want to take photographs of students for class purposes or publication. We will only do so if you have authorised Bonjour Babies on your enrolment form.

Bonjour Babies Etiquette Guide:

  • Please remain in the waiting area until your class is due to start
  • Only one adult is to accompany each enrolled child in our classes; however special circumstances will be taken into account. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss
  • We ask parents to please be sensitive to their own personal noise level during classes, so the children can focus on the teacher
  • Food may not be consumed during classes unless provided as part of the Bonjour Babies curriculum. If your child needs a snack, please take them out of class for a few minutes
  • Parents/Carers are to remove their child/children from the class if they are being loud, crying, and/or tantruming.  They can be returned to class once they are settled
  • We ask that parents please assist teachers, particularly in the Toddlers classes, to ensure your child listens to instructions and sits on the parachute mat.  If your child becomes disruptive to the class, particularly if running around the room, please take them out of the classroom for a few minutes to allow them to re-set
  • Please do not let your child play with the resources between/during classes as this often disrupts the teacher’s lesson plan.